
In a heartfelt ceremony filled with pride and anticipation, eighth grade students from Mokena Jr. High School took a significant step forward in their academic journey as they participated in the graduation ceremony held on Sunday, May 19. 

After the graduates processed into the stadium, the presentation of the colors by the William Martin V.F.W. Post 725 Color Guard, and the virtual playing of the national anthem by the MJHS Symphonic Band, Principal Dr. Mike Rolinitis said a few words about the graduating class: “I’ve really enjoyed seeing you grow into eighth grader students who can recite portions of “Romeo and Juliet”, understand some of the nuances of algebra, explain the details of how World War 1 started, and even plot a Punnett square to determine the eye color of your future children. But most of all, you’ve learned how to become good people. We talk a lot about Meteor character. You’ve learned how to treat others kindly and how to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason. As you enter high school, you’ll take everything you’ve learned at MJHS with you. But more importantly, you’ll bring your Meteor character…You’ve done amazing things! I can’t wait to see how the Mokena Jr. High School Class of 2024 will change the world.”

Several awards were presented. The P.T.A. Heritage Award for leadership, community involvement, and demonstrating that the work of an individual can make an impact was given by Mokena P.T.A. President. The 2024 P.T.A. Heritage Award recipients were Audrey Bilus and Gabriel Bademosi. Audrey volunteers with the Our Fallen Hero Foundation, helping with various fundraisers in many capacities. She also has been a part of the Girl Scouts for the last three years and volunteers her time as a puppy cuddler with Heartland Service Dogs. This year, Audrey demonstrated leadership skills during her time as assistant stage manager during the MJHS musical “Guys and Dolls”.
Gabriel serves as the president of the Mokena chapter of the National Junior Honors Society, where he ran meetings and was responsible for providing service opportunities to the NJHS members. Recently, he was selected to participate in student government day at the Village of Mokena. Gabriel serves as a volunteer with The Bridge Teen Center and volunteers weekly in the local library. 

The V.F.W. awards, presented by Dr. Rolinitis were given to students who have shown the characteristics of service, citizenship, scholarship, and leadership. The award winners were Grace Chandler and Brandy Radonvanovic.

The Mokena Music Department presented five awards. These awards were given to students who exemplified leadership, dedication, willingness to go above and beyond, and positive attitude. The Director’s Award for Band was awarded to Keegan Jelley and the Director’s Award for Orchestra was awarded to River Johnson. Connor Maves was the recipient for the Fred Warning Director’s Award for Chorus. Two students were selected for the Director’s Award for Musical Theatre, one for an actor and one for a member of the technical crew. This year’s award recipients were Frances Morrison and Kiley Craig. 

The next awards were the Des Plaines Valley Conference Scholastic Achievement awards, presented by Assistant Principal Mr. Luke Munch. Given to students who excelled both academically and athletically, the Des Plaines Valley Conference awards are proof that students can juggle both academics and extracurricular activities (and excel at the same time!). Students chosen for this award exemplify Meteor character, being a team player and a respectful opponent. One of the awards went to Charlie Grabowski, who graduated with a 4.88 GPA and played volleyball for Mokena Jr. High and was a member of the poms team. The male recipient was John Zofkie, who was a member of cross country and track teams at Mokena Jr. High and graduated with a 5.15 GPA.
99 of the graduating students participated in at least one sport over their last three years. Mr. Munch thanked all of the student athletes for making Mokena an outstanding school in the Des Plaines Valley Conference both in the classroom and during competition.

The Student Achievement Award was awarded to students earning a cumulative GPA of 4.67 for all three years. This year, forty-one students met the GPA requirement and had the honor of wearing wore medallion over their graduation gowns. 

National Junior Honors Society members that met the required number of service hours and maintained the required GPA were given yellow cords: Gabriel Bademosi, Patrick Hickey, Daniel Kelliher, Zola Knezovich, Connor Maves, Britney Nguyen, Emma Novak, Mia Olmos, and Abigail Wallace. 

Superintendent Dr. Mark Cohen presented the Class of 2024 and gave a quick address, saying, “Congratulations on a job well done! You are well prepared for the road in front of you. The last few years of schooling were challenging and you did a fantastic job adapting. The individuals in this room today, your family, and friends will be there with you every step of the way. You have the help of many teachers, coaches, counselors, and others that are committed to your success. All the lessons you learned from kindergarten through eighth grade have given you the knowledge and skills you will need to succeed in high school. Stay positive, be patient, work hard, and most importantly, take good care of your friends, your family, and yourself and you will go far. I'm confident you will be successful in the next phase of your life and education and all of us at Mokena 159 will be rooting for you.”

After Dr. Cohen’s address, graduates walked across the stage and received their diplomas. Dr. Rolinitis closed the ceremony, addressing the graduates: “You are now part of an elite group. You are Meteors for life. No matter where you go or what gown you wear for your next graduation, you will always be wearing Meteor green underneath.”

We at Mokena School District 159 cannot wait to see what the future brings these wonderful students!