Approved Snack List
Below are the current safe snack lists. Please note, there is a separate list for Kindergarten students. Please, only send your child with a snack from the lists below. Any items sent in with identifiers such as “containing peanuts/tree nuts” or “may contain peanuts/tree nuts” or “made in a facility with peanut/tree nuts” will be returned home with your child. Please note, the snack list will be updated on a monthly basis.
Kindergarten Approved Snack List
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Approved Snack List
Keep in mind, these lists are current as of November 1, 2023, but manufacturers can change ingredients and/or they may change the facility where they make the product to one which has Peanuts. We will verify our list every 3 weeks and notify you of any changes made to our list. Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe!