Buildings and Grounds Department
Restricted use pesticides will not be applied on or within 500 feet of school property during normal school hours. Before pesticides are used on District premises, the Superintendent or designee shall notify employees and parents/guardians of students as required by the Structural Pest Control Act, 225 ILCS 235/, and the Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act, 415 ILCS 65/.
Coal Tar Sealant
Beginning on 1-1-23, before coal tar-based sealant products or high polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sealant products are used on District premises, the Superintendent or designee shall notify employees and parents/guardians of students in writing or by telephone as required by the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act.
Standards for Managing Buildings and Grounds
All District buildings and grounds shall be adequately maintained in order to provide an appropriate, safe, and energy efficient physical environment for learning and teaching. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with periodic reports on maintenance data and projected maintenance needs that include cost analysis. Prior Board approval is needed for all renovations or permanent alterations to buildings or grounds when the total cost will exceed $12,500, including the cost equivalent of staff time. This policy is not intended to discourage efforts to improve the appearance of buildings or grounds that are consistent with the designated use of those buildings and grounds.