Car riders will be allowed into the building at 8:10. Please keep your child in your vehicle until you see an MIS Staff member and you are parked along the sidewalk.
Row 1 will pull all of the way around to the Northeast corner of the building, orange star. Please pull as far forward as possible to allow for the maximum number of cars along the curb. Please have your child exit your vehicle on the curb side for their own safety. We will temporarily stop the cars if a bus needs to depart.
Bus riders will enter through the main entrance of the building.
5th graders will remain in the north gym and 4th graders will remain in the south gym until 8:20 when they are dismissed to their classrooms.
Car riders will be dismissed at 2:45 and the line will pull up along the parking lot side of the building.
We will have 2 points of entry into our parking lot, one from 195th and the other from Willowcrest (through the MES parking lot using the access road). The 2 entry points will merge by our dumpsters.
We will form 4 lanes of cars (white lines). Please fill up the lanes in order because this will also be the same order that cars will pull forward to pick-up their children.
Row 1 will pull all of the way around to the Northeast corner of the building, orange star. Please pull as far forward as possible to allow for the maximum number of cars along the curb. Please allow your child to get into your vehicle on the curb side for their own safety. We will temporarily stop the cars if a bus needs to depart.
Bus students will remain in their classrooms with their homeroom teacher until their bus arrives. All students exit the main entrance.